@NyanaCreation @TinyPixelOfTruth i am glad to hear that (but i don't really represent the community or i don't think i am. i feel uncomfortble when that is said because the spot light isn't for me with big sites like this and representing so many people :p i like to be more my own person if you can understand ) anyway i like saying hi and encuriging people that's all but thanks ^^
i admire your positivity and that you wanted to join in as well. i haven't been drawing to long and i find myself not that amezing but i love just doing it myself as well and i hope so much that you enjoy the community as well ^^ and your art isn't even that bad. i am sure if you keep going you will be a great artist some day. welcome to NG again ^^
Many thanks! I'll keep at it and will always enjoy what I do. I'm very happy to hear back from the community and I am looking forward to learning more and growing as an artist.
Best of wishes to you and the NG community!